5 Easy Hydrating DIY Natural Face Mask Recipes
♡ 1 teaspoon plain organic yogurt: lactic acid breaks down dead cells
♡ 1 teaspoon honey: brings down moisture from the air, keeps your skin moisturized
Mash the avocado until it softens, and add yogurt and honey and mix it until it becomes a paste. Apply it to your face for 10-15 minutes. Add one or two teaspoons of olive oil for extra hydration!
2. Honey Mask
♡ 2 tablespoons pure honey
♡ 1 teaspoon cinnamon: reduces inflammation and redness
♡ 1 fresh lemon wedge: reduces inflammation and redness, helps to exfoliate your skin
Put honey in a microwave and warm it for a few seconds. In a small bowl, combine it with the cinnamon and the lemon juice. Gently massage it on to your face and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.
3. Brown Sugar Scrub Mask
♡ 2 tablespoons brown sugar
♡ 2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
Mix the ingredients into a small bowl until it forms an easy scrub, and gently apply it on your face in circular motions. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse it with lukewarm water.
4. Banana Mask
♡ ½ ripe banana: hydrates and brightens your skin
♡ 1 teaspoon honey
♡ 1 tablespoon baking soda: gently exfoliates your skin
Mix everything and leave it on your face for 10 minutes for maximum hydration. For best result, rub in the mask as you rinse it off.
5. Oatmeal & Egg White Mask
♡ 1 teaspoon coconut oil: you’re probably familiar with our Nourish Lavender + MCT Cleansing Oil - fractionated coconut oil sinks into the deep layer of your skin, keeping your skin moisturized
♡ 1 egg white: tightens pores
♡ 1 handful of oats: gently exfoliates and soothing
Combine the ingredients and mix. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.